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There's a different way to do law school...

No matter how you feel about law school, we'll get you ready.Without the stress. Without the fear.Because this is not your grandfather's legal education...It's —

Uncommon results require uncommon methods.

Don’t do what other students do. Traditional “1L prep” courses waste your time and fail to teach you any new skills. Coach Blackstone’s Law School Training Camp is different.

What makes us different?

No boring lectures

We don't waste your time forcing you to watch lectures from professors you won't have.

Focused on real-world skills

We focus on skills that are critical to your success: reading, writing, time management, networking, and more.

Customized to your goals

We begin with a personal assessment to define, map, and achieve success on your own terms.

On-demand and live sessions

We offer the best of both worlds: flexibility when you want it, feedback when you need it.

Leave with a plan

We work with you to chart the specific steps you must take to achieve your goals.

100% Guaranteed

We're so confident you'll benefit from Camp that we guarantee it—and then some.

SUCCESS is the strategy.

Our two-week training camp is structured to prepare you for the entire road ahead. You’ll be ready not only for your first class, your first exam, and your first job interview—you’ll be ready for what comes next.

You can expect to:

  • Study yourself.

  • Understand the challenges ahead.

  • Cultivate essential skills.

  • Create your plan.

  • Embrace obstacles.

  • Serve others.

  • Start today.

Training Schedule

Day 1: Study yourself.

Socrates wrote, “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” Sure, he wasn’t talking about law school, but he was smart and hosted some of the original toga parties. So, the Training Camp begins here, too. We guide each student through a self-assessment to consider their strengths and weakness. We also ask students, on Day 1, to think deeply about their personal goals and career aspirations—and commit these goals to paper. After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, you might end up somewhere else.

Days 2-3: Understand the challenges ahead.

Coach B and J.R.R. Tolkien both went to Oxford, where apparently there were dragons because Coach B likes to tell folks that “you can’t leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near one.” No American law school has dragons, but there are other tough challenges to consider: 1L classes, first year exams, OCI and job interviews, the fight for clerkships, the bar exam—and that’s just the first three years. On Day 2 and 3 of Training Camp, we’ll help you think about these challenges differently. We’ll also force you to look ahead to the obstacles you’ll face even after you’ve graduated and secured your first job. (Lawyering doesn’t get easier.)

Days 4-9: Cultivate essential skills.

Abe Lincoln once said, “give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe,” which seems both like a ridiculous proposal (Why does the tree need to be chopped down this afternoon?) and an inefficient response (How much sharper can you get that rusty old thing after hour two?). Logic aside, the point seems to be that it’s helpful to focus on the tools you use to approach a problem. We agree. That’s why the longest module of Camp—from Days 4 to 9—is devoted to the skills that are critical to your success as a lawyer: reading, listening, writing, managing time, collaborating with others, networking, and caring for yourself.

Days 10-11: Create your plan.

By Day 10 of Training Camp, you’ll know more about yourself, the challenges ahead, and the skills you need to confront them. But “to achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.” At least, that’s Leonard Bernstein’s advice. Since he’s got a lifetime Grammy and created West Side Story, we tend to trust him. Fortunately, step two is easy: you’ll never have enough time in law school. So we’ll spend two days focused on the other step—creating a detailed plan for world domination or, at least, rocking law school.

Day 12: Embrace obstacles.

Taylor Swift isn’t a lawyer, which is good because if she and lawyer-hopeful Kim Kardashian were opposing counsel, that’d be awkward. But we’re convinced she could’ve been a legend of the bar. “Just because you made a good plan,” she’s said, “doesn’t mean that’s what’s gonna happen.” And that’s what we’ll explore on Day 12 of Training Camp—learning to embrace the obstacles and use them to propel your career (and yourself) forward.

Day 13: Serve others.

Muhammed Ali is a legend because he left a bigger mark on the world than his jab left above Joe Frazier's right eye. So, when he said that "service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth," he meant it, living by those words himself. Lawyering can sometimes resemble boxing, but it always requires service—to your clients, to the bar, to your community. On Day 13, we'll examine what it means to be in a service industry where clients matter, and where the ability to "change the world" isn't hyperbole.

Day 14: Start today.

We close the Training Camp back where we began—following the advice of a Greek philosopher. This time it's Plato, who said that "the beginning is the most important part of any work." Because it's time for you to begin to work, we're going to give you a head start. On Day 14, we'll drill down on each step you need to take to implement what you’ve learned, so you can progress quickly towards the goals you set when you showed up for Camp two weeks earlier.

Who is this Blackstone fellow, anyway?

Coach Blackstone is the guy who taught everyone how to law back at Oxford when no one had laptops or wi-fi.After some time travel, a few too many beers at the soccer bar, and weekends working at a CrossFit gym, Coach B has picked up a few new tricks.He's been known for the clarity of his lessons since 1753, but now he has video, infographics, and music borrowed from trending Reels to help explain the concepts at hand.

The Assistant Coach

I’m Alex Little, the lawyer who leads Coach Blackstone's training camps. Coach B trusts me to run you through camp because I've achieved the type of success he wants for all his students.• I was a top law student at a top-tier law school who clerked for a federal judge.
• I got the job I wanted as a federal prosecutor.
• I built a seven-figure law practice and made equity parter at a big firm (while doing work that was meaningful to me).
• I've taught and mentored law students as a law professor at a different top-tier law school.
But why should YOU trust me with your time and your money, especially when the stakes are this high? You only get one chance at doing your first year right, after all.Here are 5 reasons:1. I've been in your shoes, so I know what you’re confronting.
2. I’ve been successful, so I know what works and what doesn’t. Learn from my mistakes rather than make your own.
3. I’ve probably done something you want to do. I’ve worked in government; I’ve done small law and big law; and I've embraced multiple practice areas. Odds are, I’ve dealt directly with at least some aspect of your dream career.
4. My advice has helped others get where they want to be. (Check out their testimonials below.)
5. You don’t need to trust me, because I guarantee you’ll love any Coach Blackstone course you take.
Want to know more? Check out my personal website, LinkedIn profile, or law firm bio.

No other law school prep course offers this.

Today is your day to fall out of the lucky tree, hit every branch on the way down, and end up in a pool full of cash and Sour Patch Kids.

Why? Because if you participate in the 14-day Training Camp in July, we GUARANTEE you’ll leave satisfied.Our guarantee is simple. After you’ve taken the course, if you're not 100% satisfied with what you’ve learned, just email us by September 1 to ask for a refund. If you do, we will — no questions asked:

  1. Refund your money.

  2. Send you $20 cash via PayPal or Venmo.

That's right. Coach Blackstone is willing to take all the risk. If he’s wrong about the course, you win. Go buy a beer (or some Sour Patch Kids) on him.No other law school prep course does this. They take your money (lots of it) and could care less whether you benefit from what they’re teaching (which is why so many of them are so boring and unhelpful).We don’t take the same approach. It matters to us that you ask questions, learn skills, and make plans that will ensure you excel in law school and prepare you for the career you’ve always wanted.We either get those results for you, or your don’t pay a cent.But we highly doubt that you’re going to want a refund… (You may still want Sour Patch Kids, but you’ll have to buy them yourself.)

Training Camp Starts July 18

We're discounting the class $500 for the first week of registration.
Don't miss out!

The discount ENDS in...

    Option 1: Pay Now


    You get:

    • Exclusive access to our signature two-week Law School Training Camp.

    • More than 20 hours of online instruction and live discussions.

    • 1-on-1 advice from Alex available throughout the two weeks of Camp.

    • A course customized to your goals.

    • PLUS: Multiple assessments to set your goals and track your progress.

    • PLUS: A specific plan for action to take into your 1L year.

    • ... all backed by our 100% Happiness Guarantee.

    • One more thing. Up to 5 LSTC participants can upgrade to personal coaching for the entire first year of school. If you want this level of direct support, you MUST attend Training Camp.

    Option 2: Payment Plan

    $749 x 3
    $597 x 3

    You get:

    • Exclusive access to our signature two-week Law School Training Camp.

    • More than 20 hours of online instruction and live discussions.

    • 1-on-1 advice from Alex available throughout the two weeks of Camp.

    • A course customized to your goals.

    • PLUS: Multiple assessments to set your goals and track your progress.

    • PLUS: A specific plan for action to take into your 1L year.

    • ... all backed by our 100% Happiness Guarantee.

    • One more thing. Up to 5 LSTC participants can upgrade to personal coaching for the entire first year of school. If you want this level of direct support, you MUST attend Training Camp.

    Still not convinced? Try a sample.

    Are you interested but skeptical? That's very lawyerly of you.Here's an idea: Join me for a FREE WEBINAR to learn the 7 things you MUST know before you step foot on campus.This class is only an hour long (rather than two weeks), but I guarantee you'll learn something. And it's kinda like taking a sample of ice cream before you commit to an entire cone.Best of all it's FREE, so you have nothing to lose. 👇🏻


    Have a question not covered here?
    Email us at

    © Little JETPACK. All rights reserved.
    222 2nd Ave S, Suite 2000, Nashville, Tennessee

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